Accessible Yoga


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6 Ways to Inform your Yoga Practice when Teaching Yoga to Older Adults Nov 02, 2023

"This kind, mindful approach is often quite surprising to new students, and we have found that helping people connect to their own inner...

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A request for your support from Jivana Heyman, founder & director of Accessible Yoga Association Sep 01, 2023

Dear Accessible Yoga Community, 

Unfortunately, we recently received the news that a $50,000 grant that we have received for the last 4...

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15 Ways to Change the Narrative Around Larger Bodies in Yoga Jul 20, 2023

Hello hello, hola hola! I’m Natalia Tabilo, Founder of Yoga for All Bodies, and today I invite you to reflect on sharing yoga with students...

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Reflecting On the Trauma of Caste Jan 17, 2023

by Anjali Rao

I grew up with caste privilege, as a subclass of the Brahmin caste called the Gowda Saraswat Brahmin. We are fish-eating Brahmins,...

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I Dream of Yoga Nov 11, 2022

by Anjali Rao

We are all here because we have a shared love: The love of Yoga. This Yoga, a breathing living practice, changes with us and changes...

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Moving From Me to We Oct 10, 2022

This post was authored by one of the many incredible presenters appearing at the upcoming Accessible Yoga Conference Online, October 14-16, 2022. ...

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Yoga & Cancer: A Healing Journey Oct 07, 2022

by Linda Sparrowe

The moment I drove into Shambhala Mountain Center, high in the Rocky Mountains of
Colorado, I began to worry. I had come to...

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Disruption as a Practice: The Responsibility of Yoga Teachers in Dismantling Systems of Oppression Sep 30, 2022

by kelley nicole palmer

There is this particular part of my way of working as a yoga teacher and coach that is part resistance, part deliberate...

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September 2022 Ambassador Spotlight: Virginia Knowlton Marcus Sep 15, 2022

Throughout the year we feature Accessible Yoga Ambassadors who are doing incredible work in their communities. Are you a...

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Going Viral on Instagram Taught Me to Change My Assumptions About Yoga Influencers Sep 09, 2022

by Jivana Heyman

This article was originally published in Yoga Journal in September 2022. Read the full article here.

Over the...

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Cancer & Yoga: An Overview of Our September Programs Sep 01, 2022
This month, Accessible Yoga’s monthly programming focuses on yoga and cancer. Featuring presenters who specialize in offering yoga to those...
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Yoga & Your Pelvic Floor: An Integrative, Gender Affirming Approach (Part II) Aug 25, 2022

by Avery Kalapa

This is part II of a two-part post. Read part I here.

The first step to pelvic floor yoga is to deepen your relationship with...

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