Accessible Yoga


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Yoga & Your Pelvic Floor: An Integrative, Gender Affirming Approach (Part II) Aug 25, 2022

by Avery Kalapa

This is part II of a two-part post. Read part I here.

The first step to pelvic floor yoga is to deepen your relationship with...

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Yoga & Your Pelvic Floor: An Integrative, Gender Affirming Approach (Part I) Jul 23, 2022

by Avery Kalapa

The inner pelvis is a powerful site of healing, reclamation, and integration not only in our physical bodies, but mental,...

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Pelvic Health & Yoga: An Overview of Our July Programs Jul 02, 2022
This month, Accessible Yoga’s monthly programming focuses on yoga and pelvic health. Featuring presenters who specialize in caring for the...
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