Yoga & Your Pelvic Floor: An Integrative, Gender Affirming Approach (Part II)

anatomy asana avery kalapa pelvic health queer teachers teachers to watch trans teachers trans yoga Aug 25, 2022
A banner with a photo of post author Avery Kalapa.

by Avery Kalapa

This is part II of a two-part post. Read part I here.

The first step to pelvic floor yoga is to deepen your relationship with your own pelvis and pelvic floor muscles. Being able to sense the area is key. So let's take a quick look at anatomy.

Imagine the pelvic floor as a diamond shape. Feeling down to the sitting bones, also called the ischial tuberosities, will give you a sense of the sides of your diamond. The bottom tip of the tailbone in back (the coccyx) and the pubic bone in front (the pubic symphysis) create the back and front of your diamond. This diamond of bony attachment points needs to be spread wide, so the muscles have space and become taught, like a trampoline. 

The first (outermost, or bottom) layer of the pelvic floor muscles are often called the bulbospongiosus muscle in people AMAB (assigned male at birth), and the bulbocavernosus in people AFAB (assigned female at birth), although both terms have been used in the past for all genders. Let's bring that back!

This beautiful figure-eight shaped muscle attaches to the pubic symphisis in front, loops around the front opening where the genitals are, connects to the perineum, and then loops around the anal sphincter in back where it attaches to the coccyx. The perineum acts as an anchoring point to all three layers of muscle. The second layer is the transverse perineal muscles. These 2 muscles span the lateral dimension left and right, attaching to the perineum (or “central tendon,” located right in the middle of the diamond) to the sitting bones on either side.

The third, innermost layer is called the levator ani, which is made up of different bundles, woven together to create a broad sheet, or “parachute” shape which, when healthy, moves with the breath between a mild concave and convex position, mirroring the dome of the diaphragm below the lungs, and the soft the palette in the back of the throat.  The levator ani attaches at the front, inside the pubic symphysis, then by the obturator fascia, it connects to the inner surface of the spine of the ischium, or, the surface of the inner circle of the pelvis, and in back, it connects to the bottom two “segments” (remember, the coccyx is fused into one bone) of the tailbone.

How do we learn to sense what we cannot see?

Feeling down to the pelvic floor with your awareness, breath, and even your own hands is a good way to start. (At the bottom of this post are instructions for self massage.) In my pelvic floor workshop, we spend a lot of time learning how to sense the 3 layers and get a feel for where these muscles are on the hypotonic-hypertonic continuum. Just like in the rest of the body, many folks have a combination of gripping and laxity.

Now, just a reminder on these terms:

HYPERTONICITY: Too much gripping. If you have urge incontinence (where you feel like you have to pee all the time but not much comes out), pelvic pain (pain may stem from tight pelvic floor muscles as well as issues in the prostate for folks who have one) and in people with a vulva -- vulvodynia (external pain) or vaginal pain, vaginismus (where the first 2 layers of the pelvic floor get so tight penetration is impossible), lichen sclerosus (an autoimmune disease that creates scar tissue around the genitals in all genders), irritable bowel syndrome, or interstitial cystitis, you most likely tend towards some hypertonicity. This pattern often correlates to a pelvis that is too tucked under, with the attachment points of the pelvic floor collapsed and compressed.

HYPOTONICITY: Not enough tone. If you have stress incontinence (where pee leaks out when you don't have a full bladder and need to pee, such as on a trampoline or when you cough... this can also happen with poo...), or prolapsed organs (where the pelvic organs, most commonly the uterus, press down and sometimes fall through the vagina or anus) this means you need more strength. Many people who have birthed babies experience issues from under-active pelvic floor muscles. Learning how to sense and strengthen these muscles, and have a healthy anterior tilt (not tucking the tail under) in the pelvis is key to avoid these issues becoming exacerbated later in life.

Here is an example of two different ways of working with one pose.

The first version for releasing, softening, and inviting breath through the inner pelvis, the other is for increasing tone.

Baddha Konasana - Bound Angle Pose

For Relaxing: Supta Baddha Konasana: With a bolster to support the spine and head, pillow under the head, rolled blanket to support each leg, sandbag on each upper thigh.

A photo of Avery, a white, trans, non-binary person, in supta baddha konasana, or reclined bound angle pose, with three blankets, two sandbags, and a bolster for support.

Important Cues:
Take time to allow yourself to settle, spread out completely, and shift away from thought, and begin to feel the body from the inside. Watch how easily the mind becomes distracted, critical, or analytical, and keep returning to the breath, and the feeling of its nurturing, effortless rhythm. 

Soften the root of the tongue, so that it becomes more fluid and passive, allow the throat to become round, relaxed, spacious, and release the soft palate. This will assist the lower belly and inner pelvis to relax and receive the breath, so that the inhalations can descend, broadening and expanding, down through the lower belly, and down into the inner pelvis, all the way into the layers of the pelvic floor. Exhaling, allow everything to relax in towards the naval center. Over time, allow the pelvic floor to become more and more receptive to the effortless, smooth, easy movement of the inner breath. Fully receive the cleansing, gentle inner massage of the breath, the irrigation of fresh circulation flooding the vital organs. Keep exploring what else can let go. 

How it helps: Softening the throat and the soft palate helps release the visceral body, the tongue particularly relates to the lower belly and pelvic organs. Feeling down into the pelvis to invite softening and receptivity can help this area relax and increase awareness of what is happening in the pelvic floor. One of the specific gifts of this pose, when we use props to fully support the yielding of the body,  is the increase of breath and movement to the abdominal and pelvic region. Restorative poses are important for  establishing relaxation in the nervous system, which gives us a doorway inward to sense the subtler layers of our being.  As BKS Iyengar says, "We can rise above our own limitations, only once we recognize them.”

For Toning: Baddha Konasana: Sitting at a wall, use a rolled blanket support wedged firmly behind the sacrum. As needed, give support to the outer legs with blankets, wedges, or blocks.

A drawing of a short-haired person sitting in baddha konoasana, or bound angle pose, against a wall with a rolled blanket behind their sacrum. Next to the drawing are the words, "Find your diamond!"

Important cues:
Strongly press the heels together. As the inner thighs extend outward, from the pubic symphysis towards the inner knees, draw the out thighs in towards the out hips, creating a conveyor belt effect of muscular external rotation. Bring the awareness down to the inner pelvis, sensing the 4 corners of the “diamond:'' the pelvic floor attaches to the sitting bones on the side, the pubic bone on front, and the coccyx in back…and the perineum serves as an anchor for all the layers of pelvic floor muscle at the center of the diamond. Explore receiving the breath into the pelvic floor on the inhalations, and then as you exhale, draw the sides of the diamond, the sitting bones, muscularly IN towards the perineum. Imagine the line between the sitting bones becoming thicker and shorter. Repeat for several breaths, releasing on the inhales, engaging on the exhales. Then try the 2nd layer: Draw the front and back of the diamond in towards the center. After several cycles, try all 4 corners at once. Where they meet in the middle lift upwards, as though you could lift along a central channel that extends up through the body, all the way through the crown of the head. Lastly, if this is going well, explore a few rounds holding this tone through an inhalation and exhalation, releasing in between rounds to release any habitual tension. Especially watch for the belly, keep it relaxed! It will try to jump on board to help, but that will only create compression and tuck the pelvis.  Explore lifting the pelvic floor while keeping the jaw and inner organs soft. The anal sphincter may come along for the ride, but specify the origin of the action in the muscles and perineum. 

How it helps: Using the blanket supports the untucked position of the pelvis, the stability of the sacrum, and gives feedback if the pelvis is tucking instead of the pelvic floor muscles engaging, which is common amongst beginners; if the pelvic floor is engaging students may be able to sense the sacrum pulling into the body, not pushing towards the wall. Pressing the heels awakens strength and stability, while exploring these incremental pelvic floor exercises builds tone, as well as awareness in layers one and two of the pelvic floor. This pose increases circulation to the pelvic organs and pelvic floor, and the action of externally rotating the legs predisposes the strength in the pelvic floor. 

I hope these poses give some insight to your practice. If you have any questions, answers, revelations, let me know! I love learning about how yoga practice can nourish us.

Pelvic Floor Self Massage

Massage is a great way to gain awareness, and relax pelvic floor muscles.

Here are some tips.

Make sure you are warm, can relax, and won’t be disturbed. Lube or oil may help increase comfort, especially if you are exploring inside the anus. Wherever you are going to massage, it’s a good idea to gently touch around the external body first, to warm up your hands, hone your awareness, and relax the pelvic area. External massage for the inner sitting bones can be a nice place to start. Relax the jaw, tongue, throat, to help release down below. Remember you are receiving a massage: shift into receptivity, relaxation. 

Find the perineum, and explore its soft texture, before increasing pressure. Establish an attitude of reverent curiosity, rather than trying to push towards some end result. Remain receptive to your body’s feedback. 

If you are massaging inside the anus, massage the anal sphincter to help it relax, and once it softens, entrance will be much easier. If it feels tight or painful, don’t force it, but massage more externally, while softening and relaxing the body with your exhalations. Once the anal sphincter releases enter slowly. Press the finger around the inner curve, feeling the full 360 degree area. There is much you can feel through the soft, thin wall of the anus. 

If you are massaging inside a vagina, use your thumb to find layer one, since the fingers can get lost in the many different areas and textures. 

Feel the inner perineum, then see if you can locate layer one, the figure 8 loop, and layer two, the transverse perineal muscles, on either side. See if they feel tight, or soft. Compare left and right. Pressing into the muscle and releasing, move from the center out to the sides, and back in. Notice if working on one side for a minute affects it compared to the other side. See if you can feel the inner shape of the pelvis, and the ischial tuberosities from the inside. Feel towards the back of the inner anal sphincter, and along the labia, or around the base of the penis. Look at anatomy drawings to help you visualize the layers of muscle. Fingers can reach deeper into either opening. Explore circular motions, to sense the different areas. Notice which parts feel restricted or resistant, and which areas feel soft. Make a note of how this changes day to day, week to week. Mull over what activities and life experiences are affecting your pelvic floor muscles. 

At the end of your exploration, take some time to hold your hands softly over this area and let that warmth of your hands help you to emanate gratitude and healing to the inner pelvis: organs, muscles, genitals. Thank yourself for taking time for this important self care.


Do you feel drawn to experience Avery's teaching for yourself? They'd love to connect! Yoga with Avery offers private sessions for pelvic health and more, 4 weekly asana classes, and a Sadhana Support Collective: a membership that helps counter-culture yoga lovers break the burn out/ overwhelm cycle and be truly nourished, strong, and spiritually powerful through affirming, committed yoga practice, without bypassing their body or the wisdom of their lived experience. Try a first class free! Learn more at and say hi on IG: @yoga_with_avery.

Avery Kalapa (they/them) is a yoga practitioner, community weaver, queer & trans wellness advocate, and Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher, eRYT500, YACEP, BFA, with over 20 years experience. They hold several specialized certifications, including Yoga for the Pelvic Floor.

Avery's approach is rooted in anti-oppression: yoga for inner healing + collective liberation. They love creating affirming embodied spaces that don't require assimilation. Everyone should have access to the revitalizing nourishment of deeply informed, classical yoga that goes beyond fitness.

Avery offers a vast knowledge of adaptive asana, integrative functional anatomy, stability, and counterculture yoga philosophy that empowers students to experience tangible, profound transformation in body, mind, and consciousness.

Celebrated for their enthusiasm, accessibility, and spiritual devotion, their teaching reflects deep gratitude for the Iyengar Lineage.

Avery is involved in various yoga justice organizing. They're a gardener, artist, & parent of 2 awesome kids. Avery is a white, queer, trans, nonbinary settler grateful to live on unceded Tiwa land, in Albuquerque NM.


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