Accessible Yoga


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Going Viral on Instagram Taught Me to Change My Assumptions About Yoga Influencers Sep 09, 2022

by Jivana Heyman

This article was originally published in Yoga Journal in September 2022. Read the full article here.

Over the...

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Embracing Difference, Not Conformity: What Does Accessible Yoga Really Mean? Aug 18, 2022

by Jivana Heyman

I’m always curious about the ways that the term “accessible yoga” is understood and translated by the yoga...

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Meditating on the Infinite Jul 07, 2022

by Jivana Heyman

As a cisgender gay man, I don’t have a lot of personal experience with abortion. But that doesn’t make it any less...

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Teaching Truly Mixed-Level Yoga Classes Jan 06, 2022

by Jivana Heyman

Originally published on the Accessible Yoga Training School blog and reprinted with permission.

As the COVID pandemic continues...

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