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AYA Monthly Program September: Asana Class (Community)

Wednesday September 22nd, 2021

2:30pm-3:30pm PDT | 5:30pm-6:30pm EDT

Captioned replay available for registrants.

Boundless Yoga with Divya Balakrishnan

As a technology, Yoga has infinite layers operating independently and in tandem to help the practitioner realize their ‘dharma’, or ultimate purpose. When we dare to go beyond the mechanical movements and surrender to Yoga as a state of being, we become boundless.

Join Divya in this class diving into the traditional Surya Namaskar sequence and uncovering the lesser known elements of mantra, storytelling and the zodiac.

Recommended props: Mat, any props that generally make you feel supported in your practice, water

This single event forms part of our Accessible Yoga Association Monthly Programs for September. Click here to check out our other September offerings and register for our Workshop + Asana Class + Community Forum Bundle.

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