
Skill in Action
by Michelle Cassandra Johnson


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Yoga for Everyone
by Dianne Bondy


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Yoga Where You Are
by Dianne Bondy


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Embodied Resilience through Yoga: 30 Mindful Essays About Finding Empowerment After Addiction, Trauma, Grief, and Loss 
A collection of essays from over 30 authors with contributions from our presenters Susanna Barkataki, Sarah Garden, Zabie Yamasaki, Michael Hayes, Amber Karnes, Michelle Johnson, and Hala Khouri


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Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence
by Matthew Sanford


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DVD -- Beyond Disability: A Yoga Practice with Matthew Sanford
by Matthew Sanford


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Accessible Yoga: Poses and Practices for Every Body
by Jivana Heyman


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DVD - Yoga for Stress Reduction: Simple Techniques to Manage and Release Stress
with Hala Khouri


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Peace from Anxiety: Get Grounded, Build Resilience, and Stay Connected Amidst the Chaos
by Hala Khouri


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Meditation with Intention: Quick & Easy Ways to Create Lasting Peace
by Anusha Wijeyakumar


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