Yoga for Supporting People with Sexual Trauma: An Overview of our April Programs

accessible yoga association accessible yoga community ambassador program announcements asana bipoc teachers community forum events monthly programs queer teachers teachers to watch teaching yoga trans teachers trauma & grief trauma-informed yoga workshop Apr 07, 2022
A  photo of a person standing in the middle of a labyrinth made of stones.
This month, our Accessible Yoga Association monthly programming focuses on yoga for sexual trauma. Featuring presenters whose work and expertise center healing, empowerment, and trauma-informed teaching, each offering aims to deepen collective understanding of the personal and cultural impacts of sexual trauma, the ways they intersect with systems of systemic oppression, and the holistic tools yoga can offer to individuals and communities in recovery.
First up, Somatic Healer, Sensual Embodiment Coach, Spiritual Yoga Teacher, and Dance and Movement Artist Oyámie Kali Ma’at will offer a workshop-style and educational trauma-informed asana class. Next Zahabiyah Yamasaki will offer a workshop for anyone who is interested in teaching from a trauma-informed lens with all of the necessary tools to create a safe, trauma-informed, and culturally-affirming environment for survivors of sexual violence. We'll close our programs for the month with a community forum featuring Nazaahah Amin, Dr. Danielle Rousseau, and Dr. Shena Young, along with host Tristan Katz. From the importance of universal inclusive and trauma-informed approaches in yoga, to yoga as a body-centered healing tool, to the intersections of race, religion, and sexual trauma, panelists will offer deep insights on a range of related topics.
Below you will find more details about each event and our lineup of presenters for the month! You'll also find the direct links to register for these programs.
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April 2022 Programs: Yoga for Supporting People with Sexual Trauma


Trauma Informed Yoga: Accessing our Embodied Self through Asana & Somatic Inquiry

An Asana Class with Oyámie Kali Ma'at

Thursday, April 14th, 2022

3-4 pm PST (Los Angeles)
6-7 pm EST (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

Join Somatic Healer, Sensual Embodiment Coach, Spiritual Yoga Teacher, and Dance and Movement Artist, Oyámie Kali Ma’at, for this workshop-style and educational trauma-informed asana class. Oyámie will explore invitational language as a gateway to safely access the embodied self through the practice of asana and somatic inquiry. The focus of the class will be creating a supportive space to introduce interoception, building skills for resourcing to support the nervous system, and establishing a sense of overall empowerment. Practice will be accessible, primarily seated, with options for practicing in a chair or on a mat, and time will be reserved for further discussion on cuing best practices and for participant questions.

Recommended props: an armless chair or props to support a seated position on the floor, a blanket, plus any additional props that are supportive for you in an asana practice such as a bolster or yoga blocks.


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Trauma-Informed Yoga for Survivors of Sexual Assault: How to Facilitate a Compassionate Space for Healing

A Workshop with Zahabiyah Yamasaki

Thursday, April 21st, 2022

11-11:50 am Pacific (Los Angeles)
2-2:50 pm Eastern (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.


Memories of sexually violent experiences can be intrusive, which can create challenges for survivors. These memories can also make it difficult for survivors who are looking to establish connection in their lives and learn how to trust again.

The entire experience of practicing yoga can help survivors find union between seemingly disconnected and challenging aspects of the self, allowing participants to slowly build the pieces into an integrated whole.

These novel and uncertain times can be especially challenging for survivors of sexual trauma. Trauma can leave the body feeling dis-regulated and unsafe. Trauma-Informed yoga can help survivors gently tend to embodied trauma imprints and bring them to the surface. And with greater awareness, time, and patience, survivors often feel empowered with new tools to name and address their symptoms and survival responses and identify ways to work through them. This can ultimately lead to a space where survivors can expand their capacity for neuroplasticity and take powerful steps towards post-traumatic growth.

Being trauma-informed is a philosophy and a systemic framework of the way we truly see people and honor their humanity. It is a lifelong commitment to learning in and doing. the work of being an ally, educating ourselves being aware of our biases, and engaging in culturally affirming practices. It is committing to and engaging in our work that at all costs; avoids re-traumatization.

This session incorporating lecture, a short practice and Q&A, will provide yoga teachers, mental health professionals, educators, administrators, activists, medical professionals, doulas, coaches, healers, or anyone who is interested in teaching from a trauma-informed lens with all of the necessary tools to create a safe trauma-informed, and culturally affirming environment for survivors of sexual violence.

Recommended props: a notebook, mat/chair, any props to assist you feel comfortable in a short guided trauma-informed asana practice.


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Community Forum: Yoga for Supporting People with Sexual Trauma

A Panel Discussion and Mixer Featuring Nazaahah Amin, Dr. Shena Young & Dr. Danielle Rousseau, hosted by Tristan Katz

Thursday, April 26th, 2022

9-11 am PST (Los Angeles)
12-2 pm EST (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

Join experienced trauma-informed yoga teachers Nazaahah Amin, Dr. Danielle Rousseau, and Dr. Shena Young, along with host Tristan Katz, for our April 2022 Accessible Yoga Community Forum on Yoga for Supporting People with Sexual Trauma. From the importance of universal inclusive and trauma-informed approaches in yoga, to yoga as a body-centered healing tool, to the intersections of race, religion, and sexual trauma, panelists will offer deep insights on a range of related topics. The panel will also offer their approaches to holistic healing after sexual trauma, providing resources and tools for individual and community care.

The panel discussion will last 90 minutes, including some time for audience questions. Participants are invited to stay on after the panel concludes for a 30-minute social mixer and networking session, with the opportunity to share their own experiences and meet other community members whose work centers supporting survivors of sexual trauma.


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