Yoga for People Who Use Wheelchairs & Mobility Devices: An Overview of Our June Programs

ableism accessible yoga association accessible yoga community ambassador program asana community forum disabled teachers mobility disability teacher education teachers to watch wheelchairs & mobility devices Jun 09, 2022
Rodrigo Souza practicing a twist in his wheelchair.
This month, Accessible Yoga’s monthly programming focuses on yoga for people who use wheelchairs and other mobility devices. Featuring presenters with personal and professional experience practicing and teaching yoga for those who use mobility devices, each offering aims to expand awareness and broaden our communal knowledge of how to make yoga accessible to people with mobility disabilities.
First up, Cherie Hotchkiss will lead an asana class exploring physical practice for wheelchair users. Next Rodrigo Souza will offer a workshop for anyone who is interested in teaching accessible yoga to those who use wheelchairs and other mobility devices. We'll close our programs for the month with a community forum featuring Nina Boswell Brown, Maria Aroch, and Christy Parker, along with host Sunny Barbee. Forum presenters will address specific considerations and varying needs for those who use wheelchairs, the benefits and challenges of various accessible yoga class structures, and how to emphasize and utilize the breadth and bounty of yogic practices for every body and ability.
Below you will find more details about each event and our lineup of presenters for the month! You'll also find the direct links to register for these programs.
Did you know that Accessible Yoga Ambassadors get to attend all of our monthly programs and access the replays for free as a benefit of membership? Ambassadors support our organization and programs with a monthly or annual contribution to our work. Access to these monthly programs is only one of many perks to becoming an Ambassador. Learn more and join the program today!


June 2022 Programs: Yoga for People Who Use Wheelchairs & Mobility Devices


Exploring Asana In My Wheelchair

An Asana Class with Cherie Hotchkiss

Monday, June 13th, 2022

3-4 pm PST (Los Angeles)
6-7 pm EST (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

People who use wheelchairs, for a better quality of life, can practice asana in their wheelchair, along with the other limbs of yoga. Obviously, there are specific issues not covered in a traditional yoga certification. This class, appropriate for wheelchair users as well as teachers who share classes for this population, or would like to, will include wheelchair etiquette, safety, a 45 minute asana practice in a wheelchair and time for questions.

Yoga instructors who have never used a wheelchair, and invite people who do use wheelchairs to their classes, are encouraged to rent a wheelchair to experience this unique practice for themselves.

Recommended props: ideally a wheelchair (can be rented for a day from a durable medical equipment store) or two stationary chairs, preferably without arms. 2 blocks and/or large bolster. 1 or 2 blankets. Second rolled yoga mat or same size bolster.


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Teaching Accessible, Adaptive and Inclusive Yoga Classes for Wheelchair Users

A Workshop with Rodrigo Souza

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022

9-10:30 am Pacific (Los Angeles)
12-1:30 pm Eastern (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.


According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, Mobility is the most common disability, affecting 1 in 7 US adults, that is 14.29% of the population. Yes, I know! That’s a lot of folks!

In this 90-minute online workshop, we will broadly walk (or roll!) you through the journey of; Yoga and the Nature of Disability, Common Neurological Conditions, Adaptive Yoga, Ableism & Inclusive Language, Basic Safety Considerations and Teaching Tips.

You will also learn the benefits of Adaptive Yoga, how to teach wheelchair users and how to design an inclusive and accessible class; how to sequence, chair yoga variations, inner awareness, language, and how to truly create a welcoming experience and space when a wheelchair user student comes to your class.

If you would like to make your offerings more accessible to this population, join us!

Recommended props: This Workshop will be predominantly lecture-style, so please bring a note-book and pen, or device for note-taking, some water, and a sturdy chair, or your wheelchair.


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Community Forum: Yoga for People Who Use Wheelchairs & Mobility Devices

A Panel Discussion and Mixer Featuring Nina Boswell Brown, Maria Aroch & Christy Parker, hosted by Sunny Barbee

Thursday, June 28th, 2022

11:30 am-1:30 pm PST (Los Angeles)
2:30-4:30 pm EST (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

This month, join experienced accessible yoga teachers Nina Boswell-Brown, Maria Aroch, and Christy Parker, along with host Jacquie “Sunny” Barbee, for a Community Forum discussing yoga for people who use wheelchairs and other mobility devices. Presenters will share from positions of personal experience practicing yoga in partnership with their own mobility devices, as well as from professional experience teaching students with various mobility disabilities. They will address specific considerations and varying needs for those who use wheelchairs, the benefits and challenges of various accessible yoga class structures, and how to emphasize and utilize the breadth and bounty of yogic practices for every body and ability.

The panel discussion will last 90 minutes, including some time for audience questions. Participants are invited to stick around after the panel concludes for a 30-minute social mixer and networking session, with the option to share their own experiences and meet other community members whose work centers whose who use wheelchairs and mobility devices.


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