COVID & Yoga: An Overview of Our January Programs

accessible yoga association asana community forum covid-19 events monthly programs pranayama pulmonary health restorative yoga science of yoga teaching yoga Dec 31, 2021

At the beginning of 2021, as the world continued to adjust to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Accessible Yoga likewise opted to continue expanding our online offerings to continue serving our community from the safety and comfort of home. Beginning in January 2021 with our first official Accessible Yoga Community Forum on mental health and trauma-informed yoga, and eventually expanding into a full slate of sample asana classes, teacher workshops, and continued forums on new topics each month. We're excited to continue offering these programs in 2022.
A year into this expanded programming, we're coming back around, full-circle, to the world-changing event that started it to begin with--our theme for January 2022 is yoga in the age of COVID-19. Our presenters this month will explore a range of topics related to the impacts of the pandemic on the yoga industry as well as how yoga practice can support our health and wellbeing as the situation continues to evolve.
Below you'll find an overview of the exciting events and incredible presenters who will be offering their wisdom and sharing their expertise throughout the month!
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January 2022 Programs: COVID & Yoga


What We CAN Do to Help Ourselves Recover from Long COVID

An Asana Class with Suzy Bolt

Friday, January 14th, 2022

9am-10am PST (Los Angeles)
12pm-1pm EST (New York)
5pm-6pm GMT (London, UK)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

Suzy Bolt has been teaching the Long COVID community for more than 15 months, runs a large Facebook Group, and has a Zoom recovery program, initially set up in September 2020. This asana class will explore the main issues that teachers should be aware of in teaching students with Long COVID, as well as the need for simplicity, repetition, and different levels of activity. This is a workshop-style asana class for teachers and students alike.

Recommended Props: Please have cushions, a bolster if you have one, a yoga strap/belt/scarf/tie, a comfortable surface to work on, and some water to hand.

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Yoga For COVID: Recovery and Prevention through Pranayama and Restorative Asanas 

A Workshop with Monisha Raja

Monday, January 17th, 2022

2pm-3:30pm Pacific (Los Angeles)
5pm-6:30pm Eastern (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.


Health challenges like COVID are real, and yoga is a powerful tool that we can make use of in our self-care as we weather these storms. This workshop will explore the healing potential of yoga through the mechanics of proper breathing and prone yoga postures.

Monisha's own personal experience has informed her in creating a class for COVID patients and all who want to strengthen their immunity, maintain optimum pulmonary health, and combat infectious diseases. Modern science is now giving us the language to understand this ancient wisdom better, and we will touch on the science that supports these practices. Yoga helps us to not simply survive, but guides us to self-directed thriving.

This workshop will be experiential as well, so please come prepared with props for your practice.

Recommended props: A book and pen if you'd like to take notes. For the practice we will need some cushions, yoga blocks if available, blankets or quilts, an eye pillow, a yoga belt or long scarf, and a folding chair or simple dining chair without armrests.

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Community Forum: COVID & Yoga

A Panel Discussion and Forum Featuring Dr. Anita Patel, Steven Inghram, Wolf Terry, and Host Anjali Rao

Friday, January 28th, 2022

3pm-4:30pm PST (Los Angeles)
6pm-7:30pm EST (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

Join experienced teachers Dr. Anita Patel, Steven Inghram, and Wolf Terry, along with host Anjali Rao, for our January 2022 Accessible Yoga Community Forum on yoga in the age of COVID-19. The panelists will share their knowledge and experiences of teaching yoga through the pandemic, as well as how to best serve students who are recovering from COVID. They will also discuss the intersections of science and spirituality that the pandemic has presented: finding a middle ground between the two in a community that tends to value holistic approaches to health and medicine, debunking common myths and pseudoscientific information that has been propagated by yoga and wellness influencers, and vaccination as an act of ahimsa, including advice on how to approach conversations with community members who are vaccine-hesitant.

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Want more? You can find older posts about COVID-19 in our blog archive. You can also check out the replay of this August 2021 Facebook Live conversation between Jivana Heyman and Dr. Staffany Moonaz, discussing COVID safety in the yoga community.

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