Finding Balance:

Making Alternate Nostril Breathing Accessible

Free virtual mini-workshop with Jivana Heyman

Friday April 21, 10am PT // 1:00pm ET // 6:00pm GMT  

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*Replay available for registrants

Join Accessible Yoga founder, Jivana Heyman, for an exploration of Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Suddhi / Nadi Shodhana / Sukha Purvaka / Anuloma Viloma), one of the most potent and accessible pranayama practices in Yoga.

Long favored by yoga practitioners, Alternate Nostril Breathing works to balance the energetic body and helps to cultivate a peaceful mind.

In this 45-minute virtual mini-workshop, Jivana will explore the energetic nervous system including nadis, chakras, and granthis, so we can understand the underlying process that makes this practice so effective. He’ll also share a number of accessible forms of Alternate Nostril Breathing, as well as how to incorporate Ujjayi breathing to deepen the experience of the practice.

Plus, he'll also give away one free pass to our new Accessible Yoga Studio!

Register below to save your spot!