047. Actionable Love with Michelle C. Johnson

Season #2

Michelle C. Johnson is an author, yoga teacher, social justice activist, licensed clinical social worker and Dismantling Racism trainer. She approaches her life and work from a place of empowerment, embodiment, and integration. With a deep understanding of trauma and the impact that it has on the mind, body, spirit and heart, much of her work focuses on helping people better understand how power and privilege operate in their life. She explores how privilege, power and oppression affects the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energy body.

In episode 47, Jivana and Michelle discuss:

  • The 2nd edition of Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World
  • The Bhagavad Gita
  • Bringing real world experience into yoga spaces
  • The connection between social justice and yoga
  • Dharma
  • Staying inspired in social justice work
  • Actionable Love
  • Karma Yoga
  • How to take your yoga off the mat
  • Shared humanity
  • How the 2nd edition of Skill in Action offers guidance and tools for what’s happening now
  • Michelle’s next book about healing in community