Accessible Yoga
Community Forums


Commences January 28, 2021


Please join us for this ongoing series of conversations which feature continuing education opportunities led by leaders in the field, dedicated space for community discussions that build deeper understanding, and the chance to meet and collaborate with other yoga teachers and practitioners who share your interests and passions.

Be Sure to Subscribe

Sign up for our Community Forums waitlist to be the first to know when new presenters are announced and registration opens for future events!

Continuing Education

Learn from expert teachers about some of the most important topics in accessibility and yoga.


Collaborate with other attendees to deepen your understanding of each month's topic.


Meet other yoga teachers and practitioners who are doing the work you're passionate about.

Our next Community Forum:

Serving Queer & Trans Communities in Yoga Spaces

Featuring Kyra Thrilkill, Zel Amanzi, Puja Singh Titchkosky & Kelly Marshall

Hosted by M Camellia 


June 28th, 2021 | 1pm-3pm Pacific | 4pm-6pm Eastern

Eligible for 2 CEUs through Yoga Alliance and IAYT. Replay available.

Get Details & Register

2021 Dates & Topics

January 28, 2021

Mental Health & Trauma-Informed Yoga

February 16, 2021

Anti-Racism & Yoga

March 31, 2021

Neurological Conditions
& Yoga

April 30, 2021

Yoga for Children with Disabilities

June 2021

Serving Queer & Trans Communities in Yoga Spaces

July 2021

Aging & Yoga

August 2021

Yoga for Larger Bodies

September 2021

Yoga & Cultural Appropriation

November 2021

Yoga in Prisons

December 2021

Yoga for Pain Care







Be Sure to Subscribe

Be the first to know when presenters are announced and registration opens for upcoming events!
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