Yoga of the Heart: An Overview of Our February Programs

accessible yoga association accessible yoga community announcements community forum events michelle cassandra johnson monthly programs service trauma & grief yoga philosophy Feb 03, 2022
Photo of a person with long hair and nail polish crossing their hands over their heart.
This month, Accessible Yoga’s monthly programming focuses on Yoga of the Heart. Featuring incredible teachers and presenters from our community who are routinely sharing their wisdom around grief, trauma, and healing, each offering promises to deepen our collective understanding of what it means to allow our whole selves, including our tenderest parts, to show up for our yoga practice. 
First up, Kamala Itzel Hayward will combine physical accessibility with trauma-informed teaching, offering a trauma-informed chair yoga class. Michelle Cassandra Johnson, author of Finding Refuge: Heart Work for Healing Collective Grief, will then offer a workshop to help us move together through both individual and collective grief. We’ll close our programs for the month with a community forum featuring Shakira B. Bethea, Sangeeta Valabhan, and Molly Lannon Kenny, hosted by AY Board Member Ashley Williams. Forum presenters will emphasize the profound need to turn inward and approach our own hearts with a spirit of radical authenticity so we may foster radical acceptance and loving care for ourselves in the face of personal or collective trauma and loss.
Below you will find more details about each event and our lineup of presenters for the month! You'll also find the direct links to register for these programs.
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February 2022 Programs: Yoga of the Heart - Grief, Trauma & Healing


Trauma-Informed Chair Yoga

An Asana Class with Kamala Itzel Hayward

Friday, February 11th, 2022

12-1 pm PST (Los Angeles)
3-4 pm EST (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

This class is an offering to those who are living with the impact of trauma or stress. A traumatic experience can live in the body for years, making it difficult to regulate the nervous system and experience a sense of abiding peace. However, healing from trauma is possible. In this chair Yoga class, students will be invited to explore the path of healing the body-mind connection, practice tools that encourage the regulation of the nervous system, and explore the possibility of feeling more grounded and safe in their bodies and in the present moment. The class will be done entirely seated in a chair. There will be an opportunity for participants to lie down on the floor for the final portion of the class for those wishing to do so.

Recommended Props: This will be a Chair Yoga session, with the option to come to the floor for Yoga Nidra and closing the class. You might like something to your rest feet on if your feet aren't comfortably resting flat on the floor while seated in a chair.


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Healing the Heart: Moving Together Through Individual and Collective Grief

A Workshop with Michelle Cassandra Johnson

Sunday, February 20th, 2022

9-10:30 am Pacific (Los Angeles)
12-1:30 pm Eastern (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

We are moving through so much at this time. We've spent almost two years in a reconfigured state of being due to COVID-19, and the many other pandemics that have caused suffering for us for so long. It is vital that we have time to move, breathe, be in community with one another, and heal together. In this workshop, we will explore individual and collective grief, and how to heal the heart as we grieve. The session will also include meditation and some gentle movement, and invite you to tend your heart. All are welcome.

Recommended props: You might like to have a journal, a pen and some water close by, along with any props that will support you in feeling comfortable for meditation and gentle movement.


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Community Forum: Yoga of the Heart - Grief, Trauma & Healing

A Panel Discussion and Forum Featuring Shakira B. Bethea, Sangeeta Vallabhan & Molly Lannon Kenny, with Host Ashley Williams

Friday, February 25th, 2022

2-3:30 pm PST (Los Angeles)
5-6:30 pm EST (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

Join experienced teachers Shakira B. Bethea, Sangeeta Vallabhan & Molly Lannon Kenny, with host Ashley Williams, for our February 2022 Accessible Yoga Community Forum, Yoga of the Heart: Grief, Trauma & Healing.

Presenters will share some of the wisdom they’ve gleaned through their own experiences with loss, grief, and processing. With an emphasis on the profound need to turn inward and approach your own heart with a spirit of radical authenticity, their sharing will invite us to remember that while there are no asanas that can directly counter grief, a holistic yoga practice can still help you foster radical acceptance and loving care for yourself in the face of personal or collective loss. The presenters will also talk about the importance of offering trauma-informed practices that support and benefit everyone.

As part of this discussion, we invite you to ask questions, share your own work and wisdom, and network with other yoga teachers and organizations. As the topic of grief can be a tender one, we encourage attendees to approach this conversation from as resourced a place as possible. Feel free to bring a warm cup of tea, a journal, and your (always) whole heart.

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Are you a yoga teacher from an underestimated community who's offering healing practices for grief? 

Our friends at Reclamation Ventures have just opened applications for their Spring 2022 Impact Grants! Those meeting the season's qualifications can apply to receive $5000 in unrestricted funds to support themselves and their work. 

Learn More & Apply >>


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