Trans Day of Visibility: Resources for the Yoga Community

equity events free events jacoby ballard m camellia organizations to watch queer teachers queer yoga recommended listening recommended reading representation social justice teacher education teachers to watch trans teachers trans yoga Mar 31, 2022

Celebrated annually on March 31st, today is Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV). 

While transgender people are perhaps more visible today than at any other time in modern history, the trans community still faces significant oppression, violence, and exclusion. And while the transformational benefits of yoga have helped many of our trans and non-binary siblings find more peace and ease in their bodies and start to heal from anti-trans harm, the contemporary yoga culture is not exempt from perpetuating harmful, gendered assumptions, microaggressions, and trans exclusion.

In honor of TDOV, we wanted to share some resources for the yoga community to help us each own our individual responsibility for creating a more affirming and accessible environment for trans and non-binary yoga practitioners and teachers. If you're looking to expand your understanding of the issues facing the trans community and ways you can create more affirming environments yourself, check out some of the following resources and offerings from members of the Accessible Yoga community.

Events & Trainings

Trans Day of Visibility IG Live Series, hosted by Susanna Barkataki

TODAY, March 31, 2022, 8am-7pm Eastern on Instagram, @susannabarkataki

Join the community for a Trans Day of Visibility IG Live series hosted by Susanna Barkataki. Over the course of the day on Thursday, March 31st, rüdrāksh (@malheauxtra) will be chatting with an incredible line-up of trans, non-binary, 2Spirit & gender non-conforming folks on Susanna's Instagram account. (Check out the amazing lineup here!Drop in and spend time in conversation and community with other trans and non-binary folks, along with some of our beloved and cherished allies!

Transgender Day of Visibility Open Mic Night, hosted by the Trans Yoga Project

TODAY, March 31, 2022, 4:30-6:30pm PT // 7:30-9:30pm ET on Zoom

For TDOV, the Trans Yoga Project is creating space for our community to gather for an evening of conversation, poetry, music and artistry, to celebrate who we are as trans and non-binary folks, in all of our greatness. You’re invited, and you're welcome to invite your friends!

This event is FREE and open to all. It will be captioned and held via Zoom. Trans and non-binary folks are invited to share at the open mic & art share - sign up here to share.

Register & Get the Zoom Link >>

Creating Safer Spaces: Embodying Your Commitment to Trans Inclusion, with Tristan Katz

Alternating Saturdays, April 9-June 18, 2022, 10am-12pm PT // 1-3pm ET

A 12hr online series to go beyond trans 101. In this six-session series, we’ll spend time in community to deeply explore how to embody a commitment to equity, inclusion, justice, and liberation for trans, non-binary, and queer community members. This offering will hold space for us to reflect on the construct of gender and its individual and collective impact, ways to be in a practice of challenging our implicit bias and the assumptions we might make about one another’s identities, an exploration of harm—both how it manifests for our queer siblings and how we can engage in repair and healing, what accountability really looks like, and skill-building for us to authentically create and hold safer spaces that genuinely welcome, include, and affirm trans, non-binary, and queer individuals.

Learn More & Register >>

Transitions: Education and Calls to Action for the Yoga Community in Support of Trans* Life, with the Trans Yoga Project

Pre-Recorded & Available On-Demand

This groundbreaking online series of trans-led conversations about yoga, gender & justice was recorded live and includes four, 2-hour panel conversations with co-founders of the Trans Yoga Project:

  1. Ahimsa: Addressing Anti-Trans Violence
  2. Non-Duality, Yoga Philosophy & Gender
  3. The Trans Experience, Language & Culture
  4. Mental Health, Wellness & the Trans Community

You can purchase the pre-recorded episodes individually or altogether. Prices are sliding scale.

Access the Series Now >>


Podcast Episodes

From the Accessible Yoga Podcast Archive

Episode 22: The Trans Yoga Project, with M Camellia & Puja Singh Titchkosky

Episode 38: Addressing Transphobia and Creating Affirming Spaces, with Tristan Katz & Maygen Nicholson

Episode 48: Queer Dharma with Jacoby Ballard


Blog Posts

From the Accessible Yoga Blog Archive

"We Need More than Transgender Awareness" by Tristan Katz (November 2021)

You can also browse recent AY Blog posts by or featuring trans & nonbinary teachers here.

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