Asian & Pacific Islander Communities & Yoga: An Overview of Our Monthly Programs

accessible yoga association accessible yoga community ambassador program announcements anti-racism bipoc teachers community celebration community forum cultural appropriation decolonization equity free events monthly programs privilege & oppression queer teachers teachers to watch trans teachers May 06, 2022
A photo of two Asian people standing in a field with their hands in Anjali mudra.

Plus, join us this month for our annual Community Celebration!

This month, our Accessible Yoga Association Community Forum focuses on Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities and yoga. This month also features our annual Community Celebration during which we honor the accomplishments of our community members and help raise funds for our teacher training grants and scholarship programs.
Did you know that Accessible Yoga Ambassadors get to attend all of our monthly programs and access the replays for free as a benefit of membership? Ambassadors support our organization and programs with a monthly or annual contribution to our work. Access to these monthly programs is only one of many perks to becoming an Ambassador. Learn more and join the program today!

Community Forum: Asian & Pacific Islander Communities & Yoga

A Panel Discussion and Mixer Featuring Raudhah Rahman, Raeeka Yassaie & Meesha Sharma, hosted by Colin Lieu


Friday, May 13th, 2022

1:30-3:30 pm PST (Los Angeles)
4:30-6:30 pm EST (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

Community Forum panelists will share from their personal and professional experiences as teachers and practitioners of yoga carrying various cultural lineages, unpacking the impact traditional branding has had on spiritual ‘culture', how we communicate about equity across cultural and linguistic differences, and how API community members are finding their voices and sharing their stories. They will also discuss the ways that whiteness and white supremacy culture seeks to divide and even pit Asian and Pacific Islander communities against one another, what it means to practice allyship or become an accomplice within BIPOC communities, and the importance of uplifting South Asian voices in yoga.

With attention paid to the various intersections of race, gender, and queerness, panelists will also offer practical advice for yoga teachers, and particularly those of API descent.

Accessible Yoga Community Celebration

Awards, fun & fundraising!

Tuesday, May 31st, 2022

4-6 pm PST (Los Angeles)
7-9 pm EST (New York)

Closed captions available.

You are invited to Accessible Yoga Association’s second annual Community Celebration! Come and join the festivities as we honor the accomplishments of our community members and help raise funds for our teacher training grants and scholarship programs.

This virtual gathering is an opportunity for inspiration and fun, as well as a chance to give back and help diversify the field of yoga teaching. We’ll enjoy entertainment, a dance party, a short presentation about Accessible Yoga’s mission and impact. In addition, we’ll host a silent auction with plenty of chances to win prizes!

While we’re together, we’re excited to uplift our community members. A special awards ceremony will highlight our Ambassador of the Year and Supporting Organization of the Year. We’ll also be giving a posthumous award to Marsha Danzig, founder of Yoga of Amputees, and our Advocate of the Year. This year we’re joining forces with the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) to create five Scholars Fund grants in Marsha’s name.


Learn More & Register >>


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Most grant applications require organizations to submit demographic information about the communities they serve. You can help Accessible Yoga access grant funding and keep our programs running and expanding by responding to this short, anonymous demographic survey! Thank you in advance for your responses.

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